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Messages - nomad bloodbath

Pages: 1 ... 254 255 [256] 257 258 ... 273
Rumor mill / Re: Vendors That Work Outside of Escrow List
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:50 pm »
Please update the original post user list as new names get added for those who do not want to read through what may become endless pages of escrow circumventors.

That was the plan isiredsamai. :D

Also i've added aromatics but have for the time being added an asterisk because i think he will work in escrow if asked, not sure though if he should be allowed to do. 
What does the users think?
Majority rules.

Rumor mill / Re: Vendors That Work Outside of Escrow List
« on: July 06, 2011, 01:31 pm »
I feel the same way btcfreedom, I really like aromatic and he was never let me down, great guy.
Sadly you are correct he does work outside of the escrow, the listing he has on SilkRoad is at the appropriate pricing. Is it possible that he does do the occasion listing through escrow or does he info in an encrypted message that he only excepts other payment?

The listing:

Rumor mill / Re: Anyone know why envious quit?
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:31 pm »
Yes lots of stress!
Esp for such prized items.
I'm a dilly man myself and it hurt but i really respect envious and wish him the very best in his pursuit of happiness. :D

Rumor mill / Re: anyone order from koekwous23?
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:28 pm »
I'm with pluraver start sending the MDMA to the US and North America. :D

Rumor mill / Vendors That Work Outside of Escrow List
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:11 pm »
I've taken it upon myself to start weeding through the vendors on SilkRoad that think they can work out side of escrow yet use SilkRoad to sell/scam their wares.

I've already reported vortexmilkman and have my eye on a couple of others.

I'm hoping with this thread I can get some of you SilkRoad users to help catch these vendors working outside of SilkRoad protocol.

You can list the vendors name, profile link and your opinion of any wrong doing you think they might be doing here. I'll send weekly reports to SR himself and link him to this thread.

If we work together on this we can fix it alot faster.


Thanx btcfreedom for pointing this out, I too saw this a few night ago in the middle of a Ketamine emergence and totally forgot about it til just now.
In fact I'm starting a thread to report all vendors working outside of the escrow.

I am all over this but I'm not currently smoking THC. :'(
Imma hold out for some of that DigitalAlch DMT. :P

I'd l;ike a vial of anysize! :D

Also this thread is getting moved, OP do you want it in Product Requests or Off Topic?
I'm giving you a choice, by morning it's getting moved or sooner.

OIC now. :D
Thanx leeder.

Rumor mill / Re: Illy on SR
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:40 pm »
Glad to hear all this great news about illy. :D

O man I've eaten so many of those beauties.
i like eating the first couple str8 out of the...
and then by the time you get done running around the field you are all sweaty and adrenaline is pumping, I'd be trippin by the time i was headed home. :D

Off topic / Re: How do you guys fix this?
« on: July 05, 2011, 04:36 pm »
Mitanox when your stash gets low and you have lots of escrow, simply edit your listings to zero quanity and that will remove them til you get your money out of escrow.
All users should easily be able to understand this situation.

Whatever you do dont take orders for product you don't have in your possession.

Rumor mill / Re: tetravort--legit?
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:06 pm »
I like what I'm reading guys. :D

Rumor mill / Re: ApexZ
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:05 pm »
Hmmm need more product to arrive to buyer to be successful.

A bunch of no orders delivered and 1 random single poster saying they did.
Ratio is not looking good. :(

Rumor mill / Re: Seller "another"
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:59 pm »
This is not good, I've just no faith in buying cocaine online. :(
I'll keep an eye out for him if he pops back up.

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